Lead guest editor
The publication committee is currently organizing paper submissions. Check back soon for further details.
Poster preparation guidelines
A poster session will take place the first evening of the conference, on June 9th. Check back soon for details regarding submission.
Call for papers
The 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine ICIBM 2019 will be held on June 9-11, 2019 in Columbus, Ohio, USA. You are invited to submit papers with unpublished original work describing advances on all aspects of Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, and Intelligent Computing, including but not restricted to the following topics:
- Genomics and genetics, including integrative & functional genomics, genome evolution.
- Next generation sequencing data analysis, applications, and software and tools.
- Precision medicine, translational bioinformatics and medical informatics.
- Drug discovery, design, and re-purposing.
- Proteomics, and protein structure prediction, molecular simulation and evolution.
- Single cell sequencing data analysis.
- Microbiome and Metagenomics.
Intelligent Computing
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data mining, knowledge discovery.
- Natural language processing, literature mining, semantic ontology, and health informatics.
- Neural computing, kernel methods, feature selection/extraction.
- Evolutionary computing, swarm intelligence / optimization, ensemble methods.
- Manifold learning theory, artificial life and artificial immune.
- Image analysis and processing.
- Big data science including storage, analysis, modeling, visualization, and cloud.
Systems Biology
- Modeling and simulation of biological processes, pathways, and networks.
- Mathematical and quantitative models of cellular and multi-cellular systems.
- Multi-dimensional omics data integration.
- Synthetic biological systems.
- Self-organization in living systems (cells, organisms, swarms, ecosystems, etc.
- Applications of systems biology approaches to biomedical studies.
Medical Informatics
- Cohort discovery, EHR-based phenotyping, Predictive Modeling.
- Data quality assessment or validation.
- Decision support solutions.
- Interoperability (e.g., ontology, terminology, and others).
- Mobile health and wearable devices
Paper Submission and Publication:
Prospective authors are invited to submit unpublished work to ICIBM 2019. For paper submission, participants have two options for paper submissions:
- All papers prepared for BMC Genomics, BMC Systems Biology, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Medical Genomics, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, and International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design (IJCBDD) will be submitted through EasyChair Conference System. Please click the following link EasyChair.org to submit to the ICIBM 2019. Please contact Dr. Xia Ning Xia.Ning@osumc.edu for any questions regarding submissions to BMC journals.
- Papers for special issue Genes should be directly submitted through this link Genes. Please contact Dr. Yan GuoYaGuo@salud.unm.edu with any questions regarding submission to Genes. The submission for ICIBM-2019 is a conference paper please follow the following steps for submission
- Open the submission portal link Genes and click on the NEW SUBMISSION button on the top right corner of the page
- Sign-in with your log-in and ID. If you do not have login information, follow the instructions on the page to setup a new one
- Select the ICIBM 2019 conference and follow instructions for the submission process
- Once completed, you will receive the submission approval and you will see the approved abstract under My submission (drop down from the head figure in the top right corner)
- Then proceed to upload the full manuscript
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted to special issues based on review scores and topics. Publication will also depend on the final approval of editorial office and requires ICIBM registration.
Travel Awards:
The conference typically provides 20 travel awards to students/postdocs; awards will be granted through an NSF grant application (pending).
Important Dates
- Deadline for paper submission: February 25, 2019
- Notification to authors of papers: March 23, 2019
- Deadline for abstract submission: March 30, 2019
- Notification to authors of abstracts: April 4, 2019
- Deadline for travel award application: May 1, 2019
- Conference early registration deadline: May 8, 2019
- Conference regular registration: May 9 – June 8, 2019
- ICIBM conference: June 9 - 11, 2019
Other Information:
If you have any questions, please contact us by email icibm2019@easychair.org